Body Worn Camera Solution
Work more efficiently whilst collecting indisputable video evidence to protect rights, prevent false claims and increase operational efficiency. Ideal for professionals in security, police and emergency response.
Key Benefits
- Improve evidence collection
a. Provides complete history of events which can serve as proof even in court - Decrease complaints
a. The solution’s biggest advantage that can also improve the behavior of officers and civilians - Excellent Training Tool
a. Evidence can be used to identify problems within a team or department
Other Benefits
- Reduced paperwork
- Reduced number of assaults
- Reduced criminal justice costs
- Increased public confidence in security and national police
Robust All-in-One Solution: What’s Included?
Video Management System (VMS)
End-to-end Surveillance Solution To Capture Accurate Information
It is time to capture to full story as it happened. MVP’s comprehensive body worn camera solution, which includes professional-grade body cameras, video evidence management system, and a docking station, provides businesses with accurate evidences as they occurred providing true representation of both sides of the story.